Swampscott Recreation
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Swampscott Virtual Fitness Classes

Swampscott Recreation is excited to bring you free Virtual Fitness classes while we are home.
All of these classes are with the fitness instructors that we use for our regular fitness classes that we offer throughout the year.  Please email me at dstrauss@swampscottma.gov if you need any help or have any questions.

On Mondays at 5 pm Yoga with Angela Ippilito 
click on the link to join the class:https://zoom.us/j/867353425?pwd=c0pYYjlva2RTT1A3VUtpUlpwL0RXZz09

On Tuesdays at 5pm BollyX with Kim Beuttler
click on the link to join the class:https://zoom.us/j/467066184?pwd=T2drNFYvYS8vK0RKS2xPWnhXdGtMUT09

Wednesday at 5 pm Yoga with Deb Leahy

click on the link to join the class: https://swampscottma.zoom.us/j/97928658054?pwd=SnhuWFVSZS9BbTVzN1VwN01zVldTUT09

Thursdays at 5pm Total Body workout with Kelli Howe
click on the link to join the class:https://zoom.us/j/582288060?pwd=NGhFWHh4RHU2VW9PcTArY2dwZFcrZz09 

As with all exercise programs, when using exercise virtual classes , you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program.  
 By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. The Town of Swampscott, and the instructors themselves, will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of these online fitness programs.